Edge Filer Log Messages
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Edge Filer Log Messages

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Article summary

Log messages are divided into the following:

Emergency Messages

RAID array has failedSystem

Alert Messages

A storage volume is critically fullSystem
Active Directory connection failed: Clock skew error - Device clock and AD clock are out of syncSystem
Agent did not complete a backup for a long timeSystem
Agent software updates will not be performedSystem
Antivirus inoperableSystem
Array contains a disk which is unsafe for RAID: SCT Error Recovery Control is unsupportedSystem
Background Download disabled due to full disk spaceSystem
Caching Gateway is in critical condition: Too much data in non-evictable folders. Please increase cache size or reduce size of pinned folders.System
CIFS connections has almost reached the limitSystem
Cloud backup did not succeed for a long timeSystem
Cloud Sync: Add directory watch failedSystem
Cloud sync did not succeed for a long timeSystem
Connection to cloud services did not succeed for a long timeSystem
Consistency errors were detected in volume. Run the Volume Repair WizardSystem
Device clock and portal clock are out of sync. Cloud Drive synchronization disabledSystem
Disk has failed S.M.A.R.T health testSystem
Disk has failed S.M.A.R.T testSystem
Download disabled due to almost critical disk spaceSystem
Exceeding the maximum amount of synchronized directories. Some local changes may not be synchronizedSystem
RAID array is running in degraded modeSystem
Replication task did not succeed for a long timeSystem
Report ransomware detectedSystem
Synchronization stopped due to critical disk spaceSystem
Throttling writes due to low space in cache volume.System
Too much data was marked as available offline. Either increase the cache size or remove some folders from being available offlineSystem
Unable to store logs to log volumeSystem
UPS device reported low batterySystem
UPS device reported low battery; Safely shutting downSystem

Error Messages

Antivirus errorSystem
Antivirus malware DB failureSystem
Antivirus malware DB update errorSystem
Automatic share creation process failedSystem
Backup completed with errorsBackup
Cloud Sync: Full scan failedSystem
CloudSync state changed to Upload StalledSystem
Disk-level backup failedSync
Download failedSystem
Failed mounting the volume. Please try upgrading your firmwareSystem
Failed running storage commandSystem
Failed sending alert. Please check your configurationSystem
Failed sending alert to specified recipientSystem
Failed to save the configuration fileSystem
File system contains errors that could not be fixedSystem
File system contains errors that were left unfixedSystem
File transfer failedCloud Sync
Local backup failedSync
No certificate is installedSystem
Populate stub folder failedSystem
Post-backup operation failedAgent
Pre-backup operation failedAgent
Quarantine clear failedSystem
Quarantine file delete failedSystem
Quarantine file failedSystem
Quarantine restore failedSystem
Retrieve Files From Path Mechanism ErrorSystem
service failureSystem
SMTP server cannot be contactedSystem
Unplanned eventSyatem
VSS writer errorAgent

Warning Messages

A storage volume is fullSystem
A storage volume is nearly fullSystem
Active Directory connection failed: Domain join operation requiredSystem
Active Directory connection failed: Network errorSystem
Agent failed to log inAccess
Backing up without creating a snapshotAgent
Backup completed with warningsBackup
Cache is full but no files could be evictedSystem
Cloud Sync: Full scan failedSystem
Cloud Sync: Overflow in FS listenerSystem
CloudSync: Verify sync completed with warningsSystem
Connection to portal failedSystem
Detected a disk with more than one partition. Using only the first one.System
Disk has a SMART attribute which exceeded its thresholdSystem
Disk-level backup completed with errorsSync
Event log was corrupted and resetSystem
File synchronization failedFiles
File system contained errors, but they were fixed successfullySystem
File system global change watch is disabled. Using recursive directory watchesSystem
File transfer failedFiles
Found a duplicate array name. Renaming the new arraySystem
Found a duplicate volume name. Renaming the new volumeSystem
Found a volume with an illegal name. Renaming the volumeSystem
Ignoring volume with duplicate volume nameSystem
Import failedSystem
Kernel MessageSystem
Local Backup completed with errorsSync
Log storage location is not available. Storing logs in memorySystem
Network Generic ErrorSystem
Persistent change journal is disabled. File system scan is requiredSystem
Received NFS request for an invalid pathAccess
Received NFS request for path that is not exported to NFSAccess
Received NFS request from unauthorized clientAccess
Received NFS request on an illegal portAccess
Redundant power supply is currently OFFLINE. Operating in single PSU modeSystem
Removing an illegal array element from the configuration fileSystem
Repair stoppedSystem
Resetting the configuration field to defaultsSystem
Resetting the configuration to defaultsSystem
Resource Usage Limit ExceededSystem
Send Keep-Alive alertSystem
SMB connection droppedSystem
System is low on memorySystem
This device is unlicensedSystem
Upload request deniedAccess
UPS device running on batterySystem
User failed to log inAccess
User failed to log in to FTP server (too many active sessions)Access
Virus detectedAntivirus
Wake on LAN errorSystem

Notice Messages

Agent connectedAccess
Agent disconnectedAccess
Agent started upAgent
Agent version changedAgent
Antivirus configuration changedAudit
Array status changedSystem
Backup completed successfullyBackup
Configuration ChangedAudit
Connected to networkSystem
Connected to portalSystem
Device certificate was updatedSystem
Device main service restartedSystem
Device restartedSystem
Device shut downSystem
Device started upSystem
Disconnected from networkSystem
Disconnected from portalSystem
Disk plugged inSystem
Disk unpluggedSystem
Disk-level backup completedSync
Eviction InitiatedAudit
Firmware version changedSystem
Import succeededSystem
Local Backup completedSync
Local Dedup disabled. Requires restart.System
Local Dedup enabled. Requires restart.System
Local Quota has been disabled. The change will be applied after suspending and then unsuspending syncing with the portal.System
Local Quota has been enabled. The change will be applied after suspending and then unsuspending syncing with the portal.System
Snapshots changedAudit
System time was updated by the NTP serverSystem
Task FinishedAudit
Task InitiatedAudit
User logged inAccess
User logged outAccess
Virus definitions database updatedSystem
WaterMark Memory Configuration ChangeAudit

Info Messages

Antivirus is runningSystem
Antivirus malware DB changedSystem
Antivirus malware DB update initiatedSystem
Automatic Support Report Configuration changeAudit
Background Download resumed after exiting full disk space conditionSystem
Both power supplies are currently ONLINE. Operating in dual PSU modeSystem
Cloud Sync: Full scan completed successfullySystem
Cloud Sync: Started full scanSystem
CloudSync.db renameSystem
CloudSync state changed to normalSystem
CloudSync: Verify sync completed successfullySystem
CloudSync: Verify sync startedSystem
CloudSync: Verify sync stoppedSystem
Connected to Active Directory domainSystem
Download completedAcess
Downloaded new Agent versionSystem
Download resumed after exiting almost critical disk space conditionSystem
File system recovered after unclean shutdownSystem
File transferredCloud Sync and Files
Finished array syncingSystem
Infection CaughtSystem
Instant Disaster Recovery disabledSystem
Instant Disaster Recovery enabledSystem
Periodic antivirus malware DB update initiatedSystem
Quarantine clearSystem
Quarantine file deleteSystem
Quarantine restoreSystem
Ransom Protect: blocked user disconnectedSystem
Ransom Protect: excluded user disconnectedSystem
Ransom Protect: see More InformationSystem
Received NFS request from authenticated clientAccess
Repair completed successfully without errorsSystem
replication fileFiles
Starting array syncingSystem
Synchronization resumed after exiting critical disk space conditionSystem
UPS device attachedSystem
UPS device detachedSystem
UPS device running on AC powerSystem
Using local license - not requesting from portalSystem
Volume transferredFiles
Wake on LAN succeededSystem

Debug Messages

Antivirus malware DB: no changesSystem
Cloud CacheSystem
Debug MessageSystem
Error MessageSystem
Failed connecting to a domain controllerSystem
Informational MessageSystem
Local Backup startedSystem
Log DroppedSystem
Removing a deprecated configuration field from the configuration fileSystem
Warning MessageSystem

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