Customizing CTERA Mobile
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Customizing CTERA Mobile

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Article summary

CTERA Mobile App customizations are performed by CTERA. To enable CTERA to customize your CTERA Mobile App, send the following to CTERA:

  • A list of desired customizations
    For an explanation of all available customizations, see Customization Options.
  • The materials needed to perform the customizations, including:
    • The App name. The name can also be configured per language.

    • Any graphics to be customized in PNG format for the app and splash icon.

      iOS: CTERA provides the default app icon and splash page graphic in a variety of dimensions, to suit all iOS devices. The custom app icon and splash page graphics should be in the same dimensions and have the same file names as the CTERA graphics you received.
      Android: CTERA provides the default app icon graphic in a variety of dimensions, to suit all Android devices. The custom app icon graphics should be in the same dimensions, be located in the same drawable folder, and have the same file names as the CTERA graphics you received. The Android splash page graphic must be in the Nine-Patch format: with the file extension .9.png). A Nine-Patch graphic is a stretchable bitmap image, which Android automatically resizes to accommodate the contents of the view in which it is displayed. For more information about Nine-Patch and how to create a Nine-Patch image, visit and

      The desired RGB color code of each UI component you want to customize.

    • The desired RGB color code of each UI component you want to customize.

    • Strings that you want branded.

  • iOS: The unique device identifiers (UDID) of five iOS devices on which you intend to test the App.

Upon completing the requested customizations, CTERA will send you the app. You should then review it and send back any comments within one month.

Once the App meets your approval, you can publish it; for iOS to the Apple App Store and for Android to the Google Play Store or to an internal store or hosted on an MDM product such as Mobile Iron. For guidelines on publishing your App, see App Publication Guidelines for iOS or App Publication Guidelines For Android.

Customization Options

Upon starting the branding process, you will receive a zip file that contains all of the icons, splash screens, and images that you may want to customize to match you company’s look & feel.
The following customizations can be made to CTERA Mobile:

  • App icon
    By default, the CTERA logo graphic is used for App icon.

  • App display name
    By default, CTERA is displayed under the App icon.


    If the name exceeds 12 characters, it may be abbreviated on the device's home screen.

  • Icon in the splash page
    By default, the CTERA logo is used in the splash page that is displayed upon opening the App.

  • Text color

    • Title color
    • All text colors, including the title color and button colors, both when enabled and disabled.
  • Specific texts

  • Passcode screen
    By default, the CTERA logo is displayed in the passcode screen on the device. The passcode screen logo is customizable.

  • Language modifications
    By default, the app interface is displayed in the language used on the device.
    The supported languages are: English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, and Spanish.
    CTERA supplies the language templates for all supported languages. The templates include all the default texts and strings included in the app, including the app name. You can change any of these strings to the strings of your preference.

  • Mobile app behavior
    CTERA allows customers to define, prior to delivery, some parameters which determine the app behavior.

    ConfigurationiOS or AndroidMeaningDefault
    Use App Transport SecurityiOSUse of more secure protocols. Requires CTERA portal 6.0 or higher.Disabled
    Offline file sizeBothLimit the size of files marked as offline, or completely disable the feature.20MB
    Viewing Shared by meBothAllow or prevent viewing Shared By Me folderAllow
    Disable uploadsBothDisable the ability to upload files to the portal.Enable uploads
    ObfuscationAndroidAllow obfuscating the app for better security.App is obfuscated
    Preview modeBothDetermines how the app shows previews of files. Options are:
    * By the app itself
    * Preview server (IOS only)
    * No preview

App Publication Guidelines for iOS

When publishing your app to the Apple App Store, follow these guidelines:

  • Use the latest version of the application loader.

  • Uploading the app must be done from a Mac machine.

  • When setting up the metadata for publication:

    • Be extremely careful not to mention fees or paid services.
      The app is a free one, and therefore you should not charge money for it, either directly or indirectly.
      During the process of publishing the app, Apple will likely ask you questions regarding paid services and subscriptions you sell. If they think that you are charging money for a service related to the app, they will reject the app, since they will not consider it to be free.
      If you refer to a marketing site in the app metadata, the site should not sell online services that Apple might associate with the app (even by mistake).
      The following example is text that can be used in the metadata: "This app is a free WebDAV navigator for browsing cloud data."
    • Supply Apple with a demo or test account on a reliable server.
      If the server happens to be down or under maintenance at the time of testing, Apple might reject the app.
      It is recommended to include sample JPG and PDF files, in case Apple wants to test the generic viewer.
      In order to enable Apple to test the audio playback using streaming, include sample wma files. The wma files should be relatively small (under 100KB), in order to ensure that the test is successful.
    • Do not use any trademarked terms in the app keywords or in its description. For example, do not include terms such as "iPod", "iPhone", or "iPad".
      If you need any advice on setting up the app metadata, is it recommended to consult with us before sending the app to Apple, rather than after the app has been rejected and must be reviewed again.
  • The app is supported on iOS 14.1 and higher.

    • During the process of publishing the app, you may need to supply screenshots for display in the App Store.

    The screenshots resolution should match that of the iPhone and iPad.

  • During the process of publishing the app, you must upload an Encryption Registration (ERN) approval.
    The CTERA app encrypts the data stored on the device, in order to prevent random access to the user's data. Apple requires all apps that use cryptography to have an ERN approval from the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS); therefore, you will need to obtain an ERN approval as described in Obtaining an ERN Approval from BIS and upload it to iTunes Connect as described in Uploading the ERN Approval to iTunes Connect.
    For more information about ERN approvals, visit

  • In order to distribute the app on the App Store, you must sign it with a distribution certificate as described in Signing the App with a Distribution Certificate.

Obtaining an ERN Approval from BIS


Information on obtaining an ERN Approval is available at:

To obtain an ERN approval from BIS:

  1. Fill in the Encryption Registration Supplement No. 5 to Part 742 form, which was provided by CTERA.
    CTERA also supplied an example form for your reference.
  2. Register your company with BIS, by filling in the following form:
    Once registration is complete, you will receive your Company Identification Number (CIN) via email.
  3. Browse to and use the CIN and account details that you received via email to log in.
  4. Click Create Work Item in the navigation pane.
    The Create Work Item screen is displayed.
  5. In the Type drop-down list, select Encryption Registration.
  6. In the Reference Number field, type a reference number for the work item.
    The reference number must be in the format AAA1111 where:
    • AAA is a string composed of three capital letters.
    • 1111 is a number composed of four digits.
  7. Click Create.
    The Edit Work Item screen is displayed.
  8. Fill in the fields.
  9. At the bottom of the page, click View and Manage Supporting Documents and then upload the* Encryption Registration Supplement No. 5 to Part 742* form you prepared in the first step.
    Make sure the form was filled in properly before uploading it.
  10. Click Save Draft.
  11. Complete the registration process.
    Once registration is complete, a notification is displayed informing you that your encryption registration was accepted. An ERN also is displayed.
  12. Save the approval web page, by clicking on your approved work item > View Acknowledgments and Validations > Encryption Registration XXX accepted with ERN XXX, and then click File > Save as in your browser menu bar.
    The acknowledgment page is downloaded to your PC.
  13. Compress the web page you downloaded into a ZIP file.

Uploading the ERN Approval to iTunes Connect

To upload the ERN approval to iTunes Connect:

  1. Create your new app on iTunes Connect.
  2. Enter the app information and metadata.
  3. Click Ready to Upload Binary.
    The Export Compliance page is displayed.
  4. In the Is your product designed to use cryptography or does it contain or incorporate cryptography? field, choose Yes.
  5. In the Does your product qualify for any of the exemptions provided in Category 5 part 2? field, choose No.
    For information on exemptions, visit: [].({target="_blank"}
  6. In the Does your product implement encryption algorithm(s) that is(are) proprietary or yet be accepted as standards by international standard bodies (IEEE, IETF, ITU, etc.)? field, choose No.
  7. In the Does your product implement standard encryption algorithm(s) instead of or in addition to accessing or using the encryption in iOS? field, choose No.
  8. Click Choose File and browse to the zip file containing the ERN approval.
  9. Click Upload File.
  10. Click **Save **and continue the app upload process.

Signing the App with a Distribution Certificate

After receiving the final app version from CTERA, it is ready for distribution on the App Store. In order to distribute the app, you must first sign it with a distribution certificate, as well as with the provisioning profiles that are associated with the app App IDs.


The App IDs must be the same IDs you provided to CTERA initially. Furthermore, you must sign the app with the distribution certificates, not the developer certificate. Otherwise, distributing the app on the App Store will fail.

While the app provided by CTERA comes signed with a distribution certificate, it is only a temporary certificate. It is therefore necessary to re-sign the app with your own distribution certificate. CTERA provides a tool that enables you to easily re-sign the app with your own certificates.


The procedure must be run on the Mac machine from which you intend to upload the app to the App Store.
The user running the procedure must have access to the Mac machine's keychain, specifically to the signing authority within the keychain. The Mac machine must have xcode installed as well as the apple developers account’s official certificate and private key.
The tool supports Mac OS X v10.5 or later.

To sign the app:

  1. Extract the provided file to a local folder on the Mac machine.
  2. Make sure you have 3 different App IDs for the process:
    The first App ID is the main ID of the app, for example: “com.ctera”
    The second App ID has the suffix “fileProvider”, for example: “com.ctera.fileProvider”
    The third App ID has the suffix “share”, for example: “com.ctera. share”

    If you need to create new App ID you can do it in Apple’s member center site.

  3. For each app ID, the App group feature must be enabled.
    • When enabling the App group, click Edit and choose the App Group ID of the main App ID.
  4. Create 3 different iOS Distribution provisioning profiles. Each profile must use a different App ID:
    • The profile that using the main App ID.
    • The name of one of the other must use the postfix fileProvider. For example, CTERACloudFileProvider.
    • The name of one of the other must use the postfix share. For example, CTERACloudFileShare.
  5. Download the provisioning profiles into the local folder you created in the first step.
  6. Make sure the folder has the following files:
    • CTERA_app.ipa provided by CTERA Networks Ltd.
    • provided by CTERA Networks Ltd.
    • All the provisioning profiles from step 5.
  7. From the local folder you created in the first step run ./ as follows:
./ <CTERA_app.ipa> <app.mobileprovision> <fileProvider.mobileprovision> <share.mobileprovision>


./ BRAND_7.0.0.ipa \
Brand.mobileprovision \
BrandFileProvider.mobileprovision \
  1. The new re-signed file is located in the folder created in the first step.
  2. Upload the resigned file Transporter app.

    The Transporter app is available in the Mac App Store.

App Publication Guidelines For Android

Publishing a new app on Google Play is a relatively straightforward process. Simply upload the .apk file you received from CTERA to your developer account at and follow these guidelines:

  • The app is supported on Android 5.0 and higher.
  • During the process of publishing the app, you may need to supply screenshots for display in Google Play.

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