Defining SAML SSO in the CTERA Portal
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Defining SAML SSO in the CTERA Portal

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Article summary

To configure SAML single sign-on:

  1. In the global administration view, select Settings in the navigation pane.
    The Control Panel page is displayed.

  2. Select SSO under USERS in the Control Panel page.
    The Single Sign On window is displayed.

  3. Select SAMLv2 from the drop-down box.
    Additional fields are displayed.

  4. Enter the details of the SAML identity provider:
    Entity ID/Issuer ID – The identity provider that issues the SAML assertion. This is a free text string that uniquely identifies your SAML identity provider and must match the entity ID that you choose when signing up for the identity provider's SSO service.

    • ADFS – The Relying party trust identifier value from the procedure described in Microsoft ADFS. For example, ctera-adfs. The value must be exactly the same as the Relying party trust identifier value, and is case sensitive.
    • Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) – The Identifier (Entity ID) value from the procedure described in Microsoft Azure Active Directory. For example, ctera-azureAD. The value must be exactly the same as the Identifier (Entity ID) value, and is case sensitive.
    • Okta – The Service Provider Entity Id value.
    • OneLogin – The SAML Audience value.
    • Swivel AuthControl Sentry – The Identity ID, from the procedure described in Swivel AuthControl Sentry.

    Sign-in page URL – The URL that CTERA Portal redirects to when signing in. You need to get this from the provider.

    • ADFS – The ADFS server URL. For example, https://exampleAD.adfs.local/adfs/ls
    • Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) – The Login URL from the fourth part of the SAML-based Sign-on blade, from the procedure described in Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
    • Okta – The EMBED LINK value.
    • OneLogin – The SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP) value.
    • Swivel AuthControl Sentry – The AuthControl Sentry start page.

    Log-out page URL – The URL that CTERA Portal redirects to when logging out of the portal. Without this URL configured, a logout will redirect to the sign-in page URL and log the user back into the portal.

    • ADFS – The logout URL. This is the same as the Sign-in Page URL.
    • Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) – The Logout URL from the fourth part of the SAML-based Sign-on blade, from the procedure described in Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
    • Okta – Either the default Okta sign-out page is used or a customized sign-out page defined in Okta.
    • OneLogin – The SAML Single Logout URL value. This is optional.
    • Swivel AuthControl Sentry – The logout page.

    Identity Provider Certificate – The authentication certificate issued by the provider. You need to get this from the provider, usually by download from the provider's site. .pem and .cer certificates are valid. Click Upload to upload your provider's certificate to the portal.

    • ADFS – The Token-signin certificate from the ADFS .cer certificates saved to a file. This certificate must be a known root CA and not a self-signed certificate.
    • Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) – The Certificate (Base64) that you downloaded from the third part of the SAML-based Sign-on blade, from the procedure described in Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
    • Okta – The certificate downloaded from Okta and converted to .pem.
    • OneLogin – The X.509 PEM certificate downloaded from OneLogin.
    • Swivel AuthControl Sentry – The Identity ID, from the procedure described in Swivel AuthControl Sentry.
  5. Click SAVE.


When the SAML identity provider is also connected to Active Directory, the user name to log in to the portal must be defined in the portal. The SAML response can be the user name or a unique customized filed, such as the user email and UPN (user principal name).

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