Folder and File Functionality
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Folder and File Functionality

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Article summary

Tapping a folder opens the folders and displays files in the that folder.

Tapping a file, either opens the file or if the file cannot be opened, downloads the file to the device.

You can perform some or all of the following functions on folders and files:

These functions are available depending on the specific folder or file.

Example Folder OptionsExample File OptionsExample Folder OptionsExample File Options

Creating a Folder

You can create a folder under a selected folder.

To create a folder:

  1. Navigate to the folder you want to be the parent folder.

  2. For iOS:

    1. Tap image.png in the top right corner.
    2. Tap New Folder.

    For Android:

    1. Tap image.png in the bottom right corner.
    2. Tap Folder.

      In the Cloud Drive you can only create a folder. When not in the top cloud drive folder, other options as well as the New Folder option are displayed.

  3. Enter the name of the folder and tap OK.


    You must enter a name as you cannot create a folder without a name. Also, folder names cannot contain the following special characters % < > * ? | / \ + = ; : " ,. Names that are over 80 characters in length and include the characters % [ ] will not be accessible from Windows clients and should also not be used in folder names.

The folder is created.

Searching for Folders or Files

You can search either in the whole cloud drive, including the Shared With Me or Shared By Me folders, or in any of their folders or subfolders. The search can consist of any part of the name you are searching for and all names that contain the search string are listed. For example, searching for por, will return a list of files that include the include the word por, such as portal, Portal, and support.


Wildcard characters, such as an asterisk, *, cannot be used in the search.

To search for folders and files in the cloud drive:

  1. Navigate to the folder you want to start the search from.
  2. For iOS: Tap the Search box.
    For Android: Tap image.png.
  3. Enter the name of the folder or file to find.

    You can tap the microphone icon and speak the search phrase instead of typing it.

  4. Tap whether you want the search in the current folder or in the whole cloud drive.
  5. For iOS: Tap Search.
    For Android: Tap image.png in the keyboard.

All the folders and files matching the search criteria are listed.

Displaying Information about a Folder or File

To display information about a folder or file:

  1. Navigate to the folder or file.
  2. For iOS: Long press the relevant item.
    For Android: Tap image.png next to the item.
    Options are displayed.
  3. Tap the image.png icon.

Information about the folder or file is displayed.

Sharing a Copy of a File with Another User

To share a file:

  1. Navigate to the file.
  2. For iOS: Long press the relevant item.
    For Android: Tap image.png next to the item.
    Options are displayed.
  3. For iOS: Tap Share.
    For Android: Tap Send a copy.
    The file is downloaded, if it is not already in the cache.
  4. Select the application to send the copy.

Making a File Available Offline

To quickly open a file that is frequently accessed, you can download it to the mobile device before you need to open it.


You can only work with files offline that are less than 20MB.

For details about managing files that are marked for offline access, also refer to Managing Offline Access.

To mark a file for offline access:

  1. Navigate to the file you want to work with offline.
  2. For iOS: Long press the relevant item.
    For Android: Tap image.png next to the item.
    Options are displayed.
  3. Tap Make Available Offline.

The file is downloaded to the mobile device. Even when there is no Internet connection, you still have access to the file.

Files that are available offline are listed with an icon: image.png.

To mark more than one file for offline access:

  1. Navigate to the folder with the files you want to work with offline.
  2. Tap Select and select all the files in the folder that you want to be offline.
  3. Tap Offline, image.png.

Files that are available offline are listed with an icon: image.png.

To display the files that have offline access:

  • For iOS: In the CTERA Mobile app Home screen, under Locations, tap Available Offline.
    For Android:

    1. Tap image.png in the top left corner.
      The CTERA Mobile app menu is displayed.
    2. Tap Available Offline.

    The Available Offline screen is displayed.


To remove a file from offline access:

  1. For iOS:

    1. Either, in the CTERA Mobile app Home screen, under Locations, tap Available Offline.
      The list of files that are available offline is displayed as thumbnails.
      Or, navigate to the file you want to work with offline.
    2. Long press the relevant item.
    3. In the options that are displayed, tap Remove From Offline.

    For Android:

    1. Either:

      1. Tap image.png in the top left corner.
        The CTERA Mobile app menu is displayed.
      2. Tap Available Offline.
        The Available Offline screen is displayed.
      3. Tap image.png next to the item to remove from offline access.
        The options for the file are displayed.


      1. Navigate to the file you want to remove from offline access. The offline files are marked by the image.png icon.
      2. Tap image.png next to the item to remove from offline access.
        Options are displayed.
    2. Tap Remove Available Offline.

The file is removed from the Available Offline list.

iOS only: To remove more than one file from offline access:

  1. Either, in the CTERA Mobile app Home screen, under Locations, tap Available Offline.
    The list of files that are available offline is displayed as thumbnails.
    Or, navigate to the folder with files you want to remove from offline access. The offline files are marked by the image.png icon.
  2. Tap Select and select all the files in the folder that you want to be offline.
  3. Tap Remove Offline, image.png.

The file is removed from the list.


If one of the files you select is not available offline, the option to remove the files from offline access is not displayed.

Syncing a File With Offline Access

If the file that is offline was updated on the CTERA Portal, you can update the local offline file.

To synchronize a file with offline access with the server:

  • For iOS:

    1. In the CTERA Mobile app Home screen, under Locations, tap Available Offline.
      The Available Offline screen is displayed.
    2. Long press the relevant item.
    3. In the options that are displayed, tap Update Offline File.

  • For Android:
    1. Tap image.png in the top left corner.
    The CTERA Mobile app menu is displayed.
    2. Tap Available Offline.
    The Available Offline screen is displayed.
    3. Tap image.png next to the item to resync.
    The options for the file are displayed.
    4. Tap Update File.

Inviting Users or Groups to Collaborate on a Folder or File

Collaboration projects allow you to easily share files and folders with fellow workers. When project collaboration is enabled, you can create a project and invite co-workers to join the project as project members. Project members receive an email notification inviting them to collaborate on the project.

To invite collaboration on a folder or file:

  1. Navigate to the folder or file for collaboration.

  2. For iOS: Long press the relevant item.
    For Android: Tap image.png next to the item to create collaborators for.
    Options are displayed.

    Example Folder OptionsExample File OptionsExample Folder OptionsExample File Options

    The options displayed depend on what is enabled for the chosen folder or file.
    You can only add collaborators to folders and files in Shared With Me, if you are the owner or have permission to reshare.

  3. For iOS: Tap Collaboration.
    For Android: Tap Collaborators.
    The Collaboration screen is displayed.

    Example Folder OptionsCloud Drive Top FolderOther Folder or File
  4. For iOS:

    1. For co-workers, tap Add Collaborator.

    2. Select either Users or Groups.

    3. Enter the user name or email, or the group name to collaborate with.


      You can enter a few letters and then search for matches.


    4. Repeat entering users or groups to collaborate with, until you have added everyone you want.

    5. For external collaborators, tap Add External Collaborator.

    6. Enter the email address of the collaborator and tap Add.

    7. Tap the name of a collaborator to edit the collaborator properties, or group of collaborators.

      Co-worker CollaboratorExternal Collaborator
      1. Scroll the PERMISSION options to change the share permission.
      2. Under EXPIRATION, slide the Enable button to the right to add an expiration date for the collaboration with this collaborator.
        The default is that the collaboration never expires.
      3. For an external collaborator, if you want 2-step verification, tap 2 Step Verification and tap Email and then tap Save.
        Before the collaborator can access the folder or file, they are sent an email with a verification code that they have to enter for access.
      4. Tap Back.
    8. Slide the Allow Reshare button to the right to allow collaborators to reshare the folder or file.

    9. Tap Save.

    For Android:

    1. Tap + in the top right corner to add collaborators.
      The Invite Collaborator screen is displayed.
    2. Select either Users or Groups.
    3. Enter the user name or email, or the group name to collaborate with. As you enter characters, matches are displayed.
    4. Repeat entering users or groups to collaborate with, until you have added everyone you want.
    5. Tap image.png
      to return top the Collaborators screen.
      The Collaborators screen is redisplayed with the new collaborators displayed.
    6. Flip This is a team project on, to have joint ownership of all the collaborators.
    7. Flip Allow Reshare on, to allow collaborators to reshare the folder or file.
    8. Flip Allow Sync on, to allow collaborators to sync to the shared folder.
    9. Tap the name of a collaborator to edit the properties.
    10. Tap the permission to change the share permission. For example, from Read Only to Editor.
    11. If displayed, tap 2-Step Verification to set a second level of security: None, Email, or SMS. If you select SMS, you have to enter the collaborators phone number, including the international code to where the SMS verification will be sent.
    12. Flip Auto Expire on and then tap the date to change the expiration date. If no date is displayed, the default, the collaboration never expires.
    13. Select the date to end the collaboration and tap OK.
    14. Tap image.png.
    15. Tap image.png to save your changes.

Folders or files that have collaborators are listed with an icon: image.png .

To remove a collaborator from a folder or file:

  1. Navigate to the folder or file with collaboration.

  2. For iOS: Long press the relevant item.
    For Android: Tap next to the item with collaborators to remove.
    Options are displayed.

    Example Folder OptionsExample File OptionsExample Folder OptionsExample File Options

    The options displayed depend on what is enabled for the chosen folder or file.

  3. For iOS: Tap Collaboration.
    For Android: Tap Collaborators.

  4. For iOS:
    If the collaboration was on one of your folders or files:

    1. Tap Stop Collaboration at the bottom of the screen.
    2. Tap Yes in the confirmation box that is displayed.

    If the collaboration was on one of the folders or files in Shared With Me:

    1. Tap the collaborator to remove and then Stop Collaboration at the bottom of the screen.
    2. Tap Delete at the bottom of the screen.
    3. Tap Save at the top right of the Collaboration screen.

    For Android:

    • Tap REMOVE COLLABORATOR and YES in the prompt and then tap image.png to save your changes.

Leaving a Shared Folder

If you no longer require the content of folders that were shared with you, you can leave the share. After leaving a shared folder, you can no longer access it nor any of the folders and files it contains, unless the folder owner reshares the folder with you.


You can only leave a root folder. You cannot leave individual files or subfolders.

To leave a shared folder:

  • For iOS:
    1. Navigate to the Shared With Me folder.
    2. Long press the shared folder to leave.
    3. Tap Leave Share.
    4. Tap Yes in the confirmation box that is displayed.

  • For Android: Tap next to the item to create collaborators for.
    1. In the Shared With Me folder, tap next to the folder and select Leave shared folder or Leave shared file.

      Leave Shared FolderLeave Shared File

      A prompt is displayed to confirm the option.

    2. Tap LEAVE in the prompt.

iOS only: To leave more than one shared folder:

  1. Navigate to the Shared With Me folder.
  2. Tap Select and select all the folder that you want to leave.
  3. Tap Leave Share, image.png.

Securely share folders or files with your team members or external users.

To create a public link to share a folder or file:

  1. Navigate to the folder or file you want to create the link for.

  2. For iOS: Long press the relevant item.
    For Android: Tap next to the relevant item.
    Options are displayed.

    Example Folder OptionsExample File OptionsExample Folder OptionsExample File Options

    The options displayed depend on what is enabled for the chosen folder or file.

  3. Tap Public Links.

    iOS: Create Link screenAndroid: Public Link Settings screen
  4. iOS:

    1. Scroll the PERMISSION options to change the share permission.
    2. Under EXPIRATION, slide the Enable button to the right to add an expiration date for the public link.

      The default is that the link never expires.

    3. Tap Save.
      The link is generated and the following screen is displayed.


    1. Tap the permission to change the share permission, which is dependent on the original folder permissions and whether the public link is for a folder (for example, Editor, Read Only), or a file (for example, Read Only, Preview Only)
    2. To change the expiration from the default, flip Auto Expire to on and then tap the date to display a calendar, in which you can set the expiration date.
    3. Tap image.png.
      The link is generated and the Send Link screen is displayed.
  5. Send the link via one of the options presented, email, message, etc.

Folders or files that have public links are listed with the public link icon.

To manage public link settings:

  1. Navigate to the folder or file you want to create the link for.

  2. For iOS: Long press the relevant item.
    For Android: Tap image.png next to the relevant item.
    Options are displayed.

    Example Folder OptionsExample File OptionsExample Folder OptionsExample File Options

    The options displayed depend on what is enabled for the chosen folder or file.

  3. Tap Public Links.

    iOS: Create Link screenAndroid: Public Link Settings screen
  4. To add another public link, tap image.png in the top right corner and follow the procedure in Creating a Public Link to Share a Folder or File.

  5. Tap the public link to change the permissions or expiration of the link, or to reshare the link or to delete the link.

    iOS: Edit Link screenAndroid: Public Link Settings screen
  6. You can change the permission for the link, the expiry date, share the link or delete the link.

  7. iOS:

    1. Tap Delete to delete the link.
    2. When deleting a link, tap Delete in the confirmation box that is displayed.


    1. To delete the link, tap DELETE LINK.
      A confirmation box is displayed.
    2. Confirm you want to delete the public link by tapping DELETE.


    1. To share the link, tap SHARE LINK.
      The Send Link screen is displayed.
    2. You send the link via one of the options presented, email, message, etc.

Managing Versions

The CTERA Portal saves old versions of folders and files.

iOS: You can list the previous versions of a file and if required, view a previous version.

Android: You can list the previous versions and, if required, open a previous version, copy a previous version to another folder, or restore the previous version, either overwriting the current version or keeping both versions.

  1. Navigate to the folder or file you want to list the versions.

  2. For iOS: Long press the relevant item.
    For Android: Tap image.png next to the relevant item.
    Options are displayed.

    Example Folder OptionsExample File OptionsExample Folder OptionsExample File Options

    The options displayed depend on what is enabled for the chosen folder or file.

  3. Tap Versions.
    iOS: The Previous Versions screen is displayed.

    • Tap the version you want.
      The version is downloaded and displayed as a thumbnail.


    1. Tap image.png next to the version you want.

      The current version is listed without the image.png option. For a folder, tapping the current version displays the folder contents for the version. Also, tapping image.png next to the version displays a View Files option, and tapping this option displays the folder contents for the version.

      For a file, tapping the current version displays the options available for that version.
    2. Tap the option you want with the file:
      Open In – To view the file, as described in Viewing and Editing Files.
      Send a copy – Send a copy of the file via one of the options presented, email, message, etc.
      Restore – To restore the file. If a file with the same name exists, restore options are displayed.
      Rename – The file is restored with a different name.
      Replace – The file overwrites the current file.
      Skip – the file is not restored.

Renaming a Folder or File

To rename a folder or file:

  1. Navigate to the folder or file you want to rename.

  2. For iOS: Long press the relevant item.
    For Android: Tap image.png next to the relevant item.
    Options are displayed.

    Example Folder OptionsExample File OptionsExample Folder OptionsExample File Options

    The options displayed depend on what is enabled for the chosen folder or file.

  3. Tap Rename.
    The name is displayed highlighted.

  4. Enter a new name.

  5. Tap OK.

The folder or file is renamed.

Copying or Moving Folders or Files

You can copy or move a folder and its contents or a file to a different location in the cloud drive. The following restrictions apply to copying and moving folders and files:

  • You cannot move folders or files that you do not own.
  • You cannot move the My Files folder, but you can move folders or files within the folder.
  • You cannot copy or move the Shared With Me folder, but you can copy folders or files within this folder.

If you have shared a file and then move it, anyone trying to access the file will not be able to.

To copy or move a folder or file:

  1. Navigate to the folder or file you want to copy or move.

  2. For iOS: Long press the relevant item.
    For Android: Tap image.png next to the relevant item.
    Options are displayed.

    Example Folder OptionsExample File OptionsExample Folder OptionsExample File Options

    The options displayed depend on what is enabled for the chosen folder or file.

  3. Tap Copy or Move.
    The Cloud Drive folder is displayed.

  4. Navigate to where you want to copy the folder or file.

  5. iOS:
    Either tap Select in the top right corner to copy the folder or file to the chosen folder or tap image.png to create a new folder under the current folder and then, after creating the folder, tap Select in the top right corner to copy or move the folder or file to the new folder.
    For details about creating a folder, see Creating a Folder.

    Either tap image.png, in the top right corner, to create a new folder, or tap Copy or Move in the bottom right corner, to complete the operation.
    If you tapped image.png, see Creating a Folder. After creating the new folder, tap Copy or Move in the bottom right corner, to complete the operation.
    The folder or file is copied or moved to the new location.

iOS only: To copy or move more than one folder and file at the same time:

  1. Navigate to the parent folder with the subfolders and files you want to copy or move.
  2. Tap Select and select all the files in the folder that you want to copy or move.
  3. Tap Copy, image.png, or Move, image.png.
    The Cloud Drive folder is displayed.
  4. Navigate to where you want to copy the folders and files.
  5. Either tap Select in the top right corner to copy the items to the chosen folder or tap image.png to create a new folder under the current folder and then, after creating the folder, tap Select in the top right corner to copy or move the items to the new folder.
    For details about creating a folder, see Creating a Folder.

The folders and files are copied or moved.

Deleting Folders and Files

You can delete folders and files.

You can delete an individual folder or file or select multiple folders and files to delete.

To delete a folder or file:

  1. Navigate to the folder or file you want to delete.

  2. For iOS: Long press the relevant item.
    For Android: Tap image.png next to the relevant item.
    Options are displayed.

    Example Folder OptionsExample File OptionsExample Folder OptionsExample File Options

    The options displayed depend on what is enabled for the chosen folder or file.

  3. Tap Delete.

  4. iOS: Tap Yes in the confirmation box that is displayed.
    Android: Tap DELETE in the confirmation box that is displayed.

The folder or file is deleted.

iOS only: To delete more than one folder and file at the same time:

  1. Navigate to the parent folder with the subfolders and files you want to delete.
  2. Tap Select and select all the files in the folder that you want to delete.
  3. Tap Delete, image.png.
  4. Tap Yes in the confirmation box that is displayed.

The folders and files are deleted.

Android only: To view deleted folders and files and undelete a deleted folder or file:

  1. Tap image.png in the top right corner.

  2. Tap the Show Deleted check box.
    The screen is displayed with the deleted folders and files.


    Every folder shows the deleted folders and files in that folder until you unselect the Show Deleted option in any screen.

  3. To undelete a folder or file, tap image.png next to the item to undelete and tap Restore.

Uploading Content

You can upload files, content from photos, or new photos taken with the device camera, to the CTERA Mobile app.


iOS: You can also upload content from the iOS Files app.

To upload content to the CTERA Portal:

  1. Navigate to the folder where you want the uploaded item.
  2. iOS: Tap image.png in the top right corner.
    Android: Tap image.png in the bottom right corner.
    Options are displayed.

    You can only create a folder in the Cloud Drive and not upload content.

  3. iOS:
    Tap Upload File, Upload Image, or Use Camera.
    Upload File – The iOS Files app is displayed. Select the file to upload.
    Upload Image – The iOS Photos app is displayed. Select the image to upload.
    Use Camera – The iOS Camera app is opened enabling you to take a photo. After taking the photo the result is displayed and you can either retake it or use the photo, in which case it is uploaded to the folder.

    If necessary, you are prompted to allow opening the camera from the CTERA Mobile app.

    Tap Upload or From Camera.
    Upload – The content from the Android device is displayed. Select the file to upload.
    From Camera – The camera app is opened enabling you to take a photo. After taking the photo the result is displayed and you tap OK to upload the photo to the folder.

To view what is being uploaded or recently was uploaded:

  • iOS: In the CTERA Mobile app Home screen, under Locations, tap Uploads.

    1. Tap image.pngin the top left corner.
      The CTERA Mobile app menu is displayed.
  1. Tap Uploads.
    The Uploads screen is displayed.

The list of files that are being uploaded or that were recently uploaded is displayed.

Android only: Sorting the Displayed List

You can sort displayed lists in ascending or descending order, based on:

  • The folder name or file names
  • The folder size or file sizes.
  • The last modified date either of the folder or of the files in a folder.

To sort a list:

  1. Navigate to the display to sort.
  2. Tap image.png in the top right of the screen.
    The Sort options are displayed.

    Every folder shows the deleted folders and files in that folder until you unselect the Show Deleted option in any screen.

  3. Tap the criteria for sorting the content:
    Name – Alphabetically by the folder or file names.
    Size – According to size.
    Modified – According to the date the folders or files were modified.
  4. Tap whether you want the list sorted in ascending or descending order.
  5. Tap DONE.

The list is redisplayed sorted in the requested order.


Every list is sorted according to the selected sort options.

iOS only: Shortcuts

Shortcuts enable quick access to folders that you want to get to, without having to navigate through the whole folder structure. The shortcuts are displayed in the Home screen, and you tap a shortcut to jump directly to that folder.

You can only create shortcuts to your folders that are not in Shared With Me.

To create a shortcut to a folder:

  1. Navigate to the folder you want to be a shortcut.
  2. Long press the folder.
    Options are displayed.

    The options displayed depend on what is enabled for the chosen folder or file.

  3. Tap Add Shortcut.
    You can also tap Info and in the Info screen that is displayed, tap Add Shortcut.
    The shortcut is added to your list of shortcuts on the Home screen.

Signing out of the CTERA Mobile app removes all the shortcuts.

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