Increasing the Data or Archive Pool Size
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Increasing the Data or Archive Pool Size

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Article summary


CTERA recommends changing the storage with the help of CTERA Support.

The following procedure includes creating a snapshot of the existing volume as a backup.

To increase storage:

  1. Log in to your Amazon Web Services account.
  2. Perform the following steps to take a snapshot of the CTERA volume as a backup.
    1. In the Amazon Web Services > Compute area, click EC2.
      The EC2 Dashboard screen is displayed.
    2. Under Resources click Volumes.
      The Volumes page is displayed.
    3. Locate the EBS volume to enlarge, right-click it and click Create snapshot.
      The Create snapshot pane is displayed.
    4. Optionally, enter a description for the snapshot.
    5. Click Create snapshot.
  3. Locate the EBS volume to enlarge, right-click it and click Modify volume.
    The Modify volume window is displayed.
  4. Increase the size to the desired size.
  5. Click Modify.
  6. In the EC2 Dashboard under Resources, click Instances.
  7. Select the CTERA Portal instance and click Connect.
  8. Select the Session Manager tab and click Connect.
  9. Change to the root user by running the following command: sudo -i
  10. Run the following command to stop the portal services: stop
  11. For the data pool, run the following: resize_storage
    For the archive pool, run the following: resize_db_archive_pool
    The volume is enlarged.
  12. Run the following command to start the portal services: start

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