Language Settings
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Language Settings

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Article summary

You can select the language to use for the CTERA Drive Connect user interface from any of the language supported by the PC.


To set the language for CTERA Drive Connect:

  1. In the Preferences window, click Language.

  2. Select the language from the Language drop-down box.

  3. Click the CTERA Drive Connect icon in the Windows taskbar, or macOS menu bar.
    The CTERA Drive Connect menu is displayed.


    Or, with a connection and a label was not specified:

  4. Close CTERA Drive Connect.
    Windows: Click Exit.
    macOS: Click Quit CTERA Drive Connect.

  5. Start CTERA Drive Connect:
    Windows: In Windows search look for CTERA Drive Connect and click the App.
    macOS: In Finder select Applications and then click CTERA Drive Connect from the list.

The CTERA Drive Connect user interface is displayed using the selected language.

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