Managing Devices
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Managing Devices

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Article summary

A device refers to a CTERA Edge Filer, CTERA Drive Share/Protect (Agent), CTERA Drive Connect, or CTERA Mobile, connected to the CTERA Portal. Devices are automatically added to the CTERA Portal, when their owners connect the device to the CTERA Portal.

Viewing All Devices

To view all devices connected to all virtual portals:

  • In the global administration view, select Main > Devices in the navigation pane.
    The DEVICES page opens, displaying all the devices registered to all the team portals.

The page includes the following columns:

DEVICEThe device's name.
To edit the device, click the device name.
The type of device is displayed under the name.
STATUSThe device's connection status: Online or Offline.
PORTALThe name of the portal hosting the device.
OWNERThe user account name of the device's owner.
To edit the user account, click the user account name.
LAST BACKUPThe results of the last backup and the date of this backup.
VERSIONThe firmware version currently installed on the device.
TEMPLATEThe template assigned to the device.

Viewing Individual Device Details

To view individual device details:

  1. In the global administration view, select Main > Devices in the navigation pane.
    The DEVICES page opens, displaying all the devices connected to the portals.
  2. Click the device name.
    A warning is displayed that you will be redirected to the portal view for the selected device.
  3. Click CONFIRM.
    The device details are displayed in a new browser window. The details can be different for each device as well as the details for each type of device and whether the device is connected to the portal or not. For example, the details for a mobile device displays an option to wipe any portal data from the remote device.
    From this window:
    • Click image.png to access the device for administration or to access files. The portal administrator must enable Remote Access.

      For a PC, the CTERA Agent must be installed on the PC and connected to the portal. For a gateway, the device must be connected to the portal. Access to the device configuration with the portal is then available.

    • Click the image.png icon to edit the device settings, rename or delete the device and add text to describe a device.
    • Click the image.png icon to view information about the device: The IP address, software version, serial number, MAC address, firmware version and physical location. For a CTERA Edge Filer that is online:
      • The license is displayed and if required, can be changed.
      • You can download a report to send to CTERA support for troubleshooting the edge filer.

The device details are divided over a number of tabs.

  • The agent details include the following tabs:
    Overview – An overview of backup and cloud sync between the agent and the portal.
    Cloud Backup – When the next backup is scheduled and when the last backup was run. You can also run a backup from this tab.
    Cloud Drive – File sync details. You can also sync a folder, as described in Syncing Content with the Portal and view agent statistics, by clicking Statistics.
    Notifications – A list of notifications for this device.
    The color of the exclamation mark to the left of each notification indicates the severity.

    • Blue – Information
    • Orange – Warning
  • The edge filer details include the following tabs:
    Overview – Details of the device, including an overview of the following:

    • Cloud backup
    • The cloud drive status
    • Local storage

    Cloud Backup – When the next backup is scheduled and when the last backup was run. You can also run a backup from this tab.
    Cloud Drive – File sync details. You can also sync a folder, as described in Syncing Content with the Portal and view edge filer statistics, by clicking Statistics.
    Local Storage – Details about the edge filer volumes and arrays storage utilization.
    Shares – Manage the edge filer shares from the portal.
    Notifications – A list of notifications for this edge filer.
    The color of the exclamation mark to the left of each notification indicates the severity.

    • Blue – Information
    • Orange – Warning

Deleting a Device

Deleting a device from the CTERA Portal, removes the device from the user account. When the number of registered devices is near the provisioned number that is allowed, you should remove unwanted devices.

To remove a device:

  1. Select Main > Devices in the navigation pane.
    The DEVICES page opens, displaying all the devices registered to the portal.
  2. Select the row of the device to remove and click Delete.
    A confirmation window is displayed.
  3. Depending on the device, click DELETE or either DELETE DEVICE INCLUDING ITS BACKUPS or DELETE DEVICE ONLY.

The device is disconnected from the portal and it, along with deleting any backups if DELETE DEVICE INCLUDING ITS BACKUPS is clicked, is removed from the number of devices licensed for the portal.

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