Managing Virtual Portals
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Managing Virtual Portals

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Article summary

The CTERA Portal can be divided into tenants, known as virtual portals, each of which manages a subset of devices and CTERA Portal user accounts. The following types of virtual portal are supported:

  • Team portal
    This type of portal is designed for the needs of a company or team with multiple members, and as such does not include support for reseller-oriented features. The users in the portal are the team members.
    Team portals are managed by team administrators, who are team members with the Administrator role.
  • Reseller portal
    This type of portal includes support for reseller-oriented features such as add-ons, plans, vouchers, and self-registration. The end users in the portal are the reseller's subscribers.
    Reseller portals are managed by staff administrators.
    This chapter explains how to add, edit, and delete virtual portals, as well as log in to any virtual portal and manage its contents.

Viewing Virtual Portals

To view all virtual portals:

  • In the global administration view, select Main > Portals in the navigation pane.
    The PORTALS page opens, displaying all the virtual portals.
    Team portals are indicated by the image.png icon, and reseller portals are indicated by the image.png icon. The default portal is indicated by the image.png icon.
    The page includes the following columns:

    NAMEThe virtual portal name.
    To edit the virtual portal, click the name. For further details, see Adding, Editing, Deleting and Undeleting a Virtual Portal.
    If the portal is disabled, Disabled is displayed below the name.
    PROVISIONINGThe global plan to which this portal is assigned.
    To modify the plan, click the plan's name. For further details, see Adding, Editing, or Deleting a Subscription Plan.
    If the portal is assigned any add-ons, the image.png icon is displayed with the number of add-ons. To modify the list of add-ons, click on the number. For further details, see Adding, Editing, or Deleting Add-Ons.
    RESOURCE USAGEThe amount of storage currently in use by the virtual portal, out of the total provisioned amount.
    The number of devices: CTERA Edge Filer (EV) licenses and CTERA Drive (agent) licenses, and Cloud Drive licenses in use by the portal, out of the total provisioned number is displayed.
    BILLING IDThe virtual portal owner's billing ID.

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