Managing the CTERA Agent From the Command Line
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Managing the CTERA Agent From the Command Line

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Article summary

You can manage the CTERA Agent directly from the command line, from the folder where the CTERA Agent was installed. The default folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\CTERA\CTERA Agent

To display the CLI syntax, in the folder where the CTERA Agent was installed, use: cteractl --help

The command line interface has the following syntax: cteractl [--version] [--help] command

version provides details of the CTERA Agent version and copyright information.
help provides the help for cteractl.

command can be:
signin [-u string ] [-p string ] [-c ActivationCode ] [--allow-untrusted] [-r ReplacementDeviceID ] [-replacelist] ServerAddress [--run-as=windowsUserAccount ]
signout [--run-as=windowsUserAccount ]
backup-add -f PATH [-f PATH]... [--background] [--run-as=windowsUserAccount ]
backup-remove -f PATH [-f PATH]... [--background] [--run-as=windowsUserAccount ]
backup-start [--background] [--run-as=windowsUserAccount ]
backup-stop [--background]
backup-suspend [--background] [--run-as=windowsUserAccount ]
backup-unsuspend [--background] [--run-as=windowsUserAccount ]
dbg [level ] [level ] ...
gui-access --all | --localhost
pin [-f PATH] [--run-as=Windows user account]
settings re-auth [--signout=n seconds or never ] [--network-loss=n seconds or never ] [--timer=n seconds or never ] [--run-as=windowsUserAccount ]
status [--run-as=windowsUserAccount ]
sync-add -f PATH [--rename=string ] [--merge] [--caching] [--run-as=windowsUserAccount ]
sync-remove -f PATH
sync-start [--name=string ] [--merge] [--override] [--pinned] [--local-folder=path ] [--run-as=windowsUserAccount ]
sync-stop [--name=string ] [--run-as=windowsUserAccount ]
unpin [-f PATH] [--run-as=Windows user account]


cteractl signin -u User1 -p 12345678Aa
cteractl signin -run-as paul -user User1 -p 12345678Aa! -allow-untrusted
cteractl sync-start --name “ReleaseNotes” --override
cteractl sync-suspendcteractl sync-unsuspend
cteractl dbg debug backup 

Description of command

The following keyword is available for all the cteractl commands: run-as= windowsUserAccountName and means that when an agent is installed per user, an administrator can run cteractl commands as another user.

signinSign in to the server specified in Server Address.
     uThe username for signing in.
     pThe password for the username.
     c ActivationcodeAn activation code instead of the username and password.
     allow-untrustedIgnore untrusted certificates when logging in to the server.
     ReplacementDeviceIDUse this device ID to replace the existing device.
     replacelistA list of replacement device IDs to use.
     ServerAddressThe server address to sign in to – either a portal or gateway.
signoutSign out of the server.
backup-add/backup-removeAdd or remove files and folders to be backed up.
     PATHThe full path of the file or folder to be added or removed.
     backgroundRun the command in background.
backup-start/backup-stopStart or stop a backup.
run-as= windowsUserAccountName is not available with backup-stop.
     backgroundRun the command in background.
backup-suspend/backup-unsuspendSuspend or unsuspend a running backup.
     backgroundRun the command in background.
dbgSet the log level or, when no additional arguments are specified, get the current level. Level is hexadecimal, and you can combine different values for Level. For example:
     dbg 0x00000002 sets the current level to warning.
     dbg 0x00000042 sets the level to warning for storage.
You can also use the name instead of the hexadecimal value. For example:
     dbg warning sets the current level to warning.
     dbg warning storage sets the level to warning for storage.
     LevelDebugging based on the level:
   aapi = 0x00000020
   alert = 0x00020000
   apps = 0x04000000
   auth = 0x00200000
   av = 0x00080000
   backup = 0x00000800
   caching = 0x20000000
   cbck = 0x00040000
   cloud_extender = 0x02000000
   collaboration = 0x00800000
   cttp = 0x00004000
   cttp_data = 0x00008000
   db = 0x00001000
   debug = 0x00000004
   dns = 0x00000200
   error = 0x00000001
   error_abort = 0x01000000
   evictor = 0x08000000
   evictor_verbose = 0x10000000
   files = 0x00002000
   http = 0x00000100
   index = 0x00100000
   info = 0x00000003
   license = 0x00400000
   none = 0x00000000
   ntp = 0x00000400
   process = 0x00000008
   rsync = 0x00010000
   samba = 0x00000010
   storage = 0x00000040
   upload = 0x00000080
   warning = 0x00000002
gui-accessSet the user interface access.
     allAll users have access to the user interface.
     localhostOnly localhost users have access to the user interface.
pin/unpinPin or unpin folders to be always available locally.
     PATHThe full path of folder to pin to or unpin.
settings re-authSettings that determine when re-authentication is required.
     network-lossSet the number of seconds after a disconnection that can elapse before authentication is required, even if the user is still signed in to the portal, when the connection returns, or never to never require re-authentication.
     signoutRe-authentication is required, every n seconds when there is no activity or never required.
     timerSet the number of seconds during a session with the portal after which re-authentication is required, even if the user is still signed in to the portal, or never to never require re-authentication during a session.
sync-addAdd a local folder to be synced to the portal cloud drive.
     PATHThe full path of folder to add to being synced.
     renameRename a folder in the portal cloud drive. The default is the last folder in the path.
     mergeMerge the folder with a folder in the portal cloud drive.
     cachingCache the folder in the portal cloud drive without pinning it locally.
sync-removeRemove a local folder from being synced to the portal cloud drive.
     PATHThe full path of folder to remove from being synced.
sync-startStart syncing a portal cloud drive folder.
     nameThe name of the folder to start or stop syncing.
     mergeMerge the portal cloud drive folder with a local folder.
     overrideOverride the content of the local folder with the content from the portal cloud drive.
     pinnedPin the content of the folder so it is always available locally.
     local-folderChoose a different location.
sync-stopStop syncing a portal cloud drive folder.
     nameThe name of the folder to stop syncing.
sync-suspend/sync-unsuspendSuspend or unsuspend syncing to the cloud.
statusGet the agent status. The following information is returned:
  * What the agent is connected to, including the IP address.
  * The username.
  * The status of the last backup.
  * The status of the license.

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