Network Diagnostics
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Network Diagnostics

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Article summary

The CTERA Edge Filer provides diagnostic tools directly through the user interface for network troubleshooting:
Ping – Tests the reachability of a host on the network.
DNS lookup – Queries the DNS.
Traceroute – Displays the route packets across the network.
TCP Connect – Tests whether a specific TCP port is open.
Wake – Remotely awakens computers using the WoL (Wake on LAN) command.
iPerf – Measures the maximum achievable upload and download bandwidths using either TCP or UDP.

To use network diagnostics:

  1. In the Configuration view, select System > Network in the navigation pane.
    The Network page is displayed.
  2. Click Diagnostics.
    The Network Diagnostics window is displayed.
  3. In the Diagnostic Tool field, select the tool you want to use.
    The window changes to reflect the diagnostic test requested. Ping, DNS Lookup, and Traceroute all require an address.
    Ping – Tests the reachability of a host on the network.
    DNS Lookup – Queries the DNS.
    Traceroute – Displays the route packets across the network. For example:
    TCP Connect – Tests whether a specific TCP port is open.
    Wake – Remotely awakens computers using the WoL (Wake on LAN) command based on the MAC address of the computer. For more details, see Remotely Awakening Computers.
    iPerf – Measures the maximum achievable upload and download bandwidths using either TCP or UDP.
    Address – The address of the computer to measure.
    Port – The port to measure.
    Threads – The number of threads to test the connection.
    TCP or UDP – The protocol to measure.
    Measure Upload or Measure Download – The direction to measure.
    The following command is run: iperf -c {Address} -fM -m -i5 -t25 -p {Port}
    If the number of threads is changed from the default, 1, the command is run with the -P flag with the thread number. For example, iperf -c {Address} -fM -m -i5 -t25 -p {Port} -P 10
    If UDP is specified, the command is run with the -u flag. For example: iperf -c {Address} -fM -m -i5 -t25 -p {Port} -u
  4. Enter the information required for the test, such as the IP address you want to ping.
  5. Click Go.
    The test results are displayed in the window, under the tool details.
  6. Click Close when you have completed the diagnostic tests.

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