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Article summary

You set up SAML single sign-on support in Okta using the SAML Service Provider application. You then gather the information you need to connect the CTERA Portal to Okta.

To get the SAML single sign-on information:

  1. Login to Okta as the account administrator.
  2. Select Applications from the top menu and then click Add Application.
  3. Select SAML Service Provider from the list of applications.
  4. Change the Application label to the name you want to be displayed, for example CTERA, and click Next.
  5. In Sign-On Options, click Identity Provider metadata and download the certificate.
    You upload this certificate after converting it to a .pem format, when setting up SAML in the CTERA Portal.
  6. Set the Assertion Consumer Service URL and the Service Provider Entity Id.
    The Assertion Consumer Service URL is the URL where SAML responses are posted, as follows: https://fully_qualified_domain_name/ServicesPortal/saml.
    For example, https://myportal.example.com/ServicesPortal/saml
    You use the Service Provider Entity Id in the CTERA Portal Entity ID/Issuer ID field when setting up SAML in the portal.
  7. Continue to set up the application, as described in Okta documentation.
  8. Select the application and click the General tab.
  9. Scroll down to the App Embed Link section. You use the EMBED LINK value in the CTERA Portal Sign-in page URL field when setting up SAML in the portal.
  10. By default, Okta has a sign-out page. You can specify your own sign-out page in Okta, under Settings > Customization. which you can use as the Log-out page URL when setting up SAML in the portal.

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