Port Requirements and General Specifications
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Port Requirements and General Specifications

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Article summary

Port Requirements

For a ports diagram, see CTERA Edge Filer Ports Diagram.

Firewall ports opened for LAN communication and managing the Edge Filer user interface:

443TCPInboundHTTPS. This port should be behind the firewall.

Firewall ports opened to the CTERA Portal:

443TCPOutboundHTTPS. This port should only be open to the specific CTERA Portal IP addresses.
995TCPOutboundCTTP. Communications with the CTERA Portal. For details about CTTP, see What is the CTTP Transport Protocol.
8443TCPOutboundCommunications with CTERA Portal for log collection.

Firewall ports opened to the CTERA Portal backend storage when Direct Mode is set for the storage node in the portal:


When Direct Mode is used, the edge filer requires the certificate to enable the TLS handshake with the object storage. See Loading a Trusted CA Certificate to a CTERA Edge Filer for details.

Firewall ports opened for Active Directory:

88TCP/UDPOutboundIf Kerberos is used
389TCP/UDPOutboundLDAP protocol
445TCPOutboundSMB when joining to a domain as a Computer account
3268TCP/UDPOutboundLDAP GC (Global Catalog) protocol

Firewall ports opened for antivirus updates:


Firewall ports opened for SMTP:

25TCPOutboundThe port is configurable in the edge filer user interface (in the Configuration view, select Alerts > Mail Server in the navigation pane).

Firewall ports opened for NTP updates:


Ports opened when you want to automatically send crash reports to CTERA (at URL available from CTERA Support) :

443TCPOutboundSee Automatically Sending Crash Reports to Support

Warning: CTERA Edge Filers operate behind a firewall, and it is important to leave all other ports closed.

Internal network file sharing protocols (not requiring any port configuration):

111, 2049TCPInboundNFS

Browser Requirements

The latest two releases of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

Software Features

FeaturesFeature Description
Supported File Sharing ProtocolsSMB 2.x/3.x (Windows File Sharing), NFS, FTP, WebDAV

Cloud Service Features

FeaturesFeature Description
Backup Files SecurityAES-256 Encryption, optional secret passphrase, file vetoing.
Protocol SecurityTLS (Transport Level Security).
EfficiencyIncremental updates, data compression, block level deduplication, simultaneous synchronization.
VersioningRetention of previous file versions.
Additional ServicesCentralized management, centralized monitoring, Cloud Drive caching and synchronization, reporting, logging, remote access.

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