Sharing Files
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Sharing Files

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Article summary

The following ways can be used to share files or folders in your cloud drive with other people:

  • To quickly share with broad audiences, or over public mediums such as LinkedIn, use Public Links. You can define whether the link recipients are able to respond by uploading edited files back to the shared folder. See Making Content Public.
  • To share files or folders with team members, external users, or entire groups, use the Collaborators feature. See Collaborating on Files.
  • To enable collaborators to access a file or folder directly, use a permalink to the file or folder so that the collaborators have a direct link to what they need. See Setting Up Collaboration Directly to the Content (Permalinks).

Any shared files and folders are accessible by the other users based on the ACLs defined. Therefore, if a folder is shared with an internal user but the folder does not have any ACL access permissions, when the user attempts to access the folder a message similar to the following is displayed: You have no permission to view this folder.

Both public links and collaboration are not available on folders with ACL permissions for external users.


If you want to share a file or folder with a user who does not have ACL access permissions, copy the folder or file to somewhere private, such as your local PC or to a cloud folder that only you have access to, and which has the necessary ACL access permissions.

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