Signing In To a CTERA Portal
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Signing In To a CTERA Portal

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Article summary

You sign in to your CTERA Portal in a browser. You can use any of the latest two releases of Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge.

Use an address similar to the following: http://portal_address/ServicesPortal
where portal_address is the portal address.

The following screen is displayed:


Whether the option to download an agent is displayed is site dependent.

Enter your user name and password to access the CTERA Portal.

If SAML Single Sign On (SSO) is enabled by the CTERA Portal administrator, you are redirected to the SAML identity provider's login page. On subsequent logins, the login page is skipped and you access the CTERA Portal directly.

If CAC, Common Access Card, is implemented at the site, the login page is skipped if the card access is authorized.

The first time you log on to the CTERA Portal, a short tutorial starts, to guide you through using your CTERA Portal.

Inactivity for 15 minutes automatically signs you out of the CTERA Portal.

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