Throttling the Sync Throughput
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Throttling the Sync Throughput

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Article summary

You can restrict the amount of bandwidth used for syncing files by restricting the available bandwidth used for syncing always or at specified times.

To throttle throughput:

  1. Right-click the CTERA Agent tray icon in the taskbar, image.png, and select Settings.
    Click the gear icon in the bottom right corner of the CTERA Agent window.
    The CTERA Agent Settings window is displayed.
  2. Click Main > Cloud Drive in the navigation pane.
    The Cloud Drive page is displayed.
  3. Click Settings.
    The Cloud Drive Settings window is displayed.

If a configuration template was defined in the portal with sync throttling, the following window is displayed:
Click Override to override the portal configuration.


When no throttling rules are defined, there is no speed restriction for uploading or downloading files to the Cloud Drive.

  1. Click Add throttling rule.
    Define the following for the throttling rule:
  2. If you selected Throttle the Internet bandwidth usage, complete the fields:
    Out Speed Limit (kb/s) – The maximum speed to use for cloud drive sync upload in Kbits per second. The minimum value for the speed is 8kb/s. If there is no value, then there are no speed limits.
    In Speed Limit (kb/s) – The maximum speed to use for cloud drive sync download in Kbits per second. The minimum value for the speed is 8kb/s. If there is no value, then there are no speed limits.
    Start at – Specify the time when the bandwidth limit used for cloud drive sync throttling starts.
    End at – Specify the time when the bandwidth limit used for cloud drive sync throttling ends. When the end time is before the start time, the end time is the next day.
    Days – Specify that the bandwidth used for cloud drive sync throttling should be restricted every day (the default) or only on specified days.

A maximum of 50 rules can be defined.
When the start and end times for more than one rule overlap, the order of the rules in the list determines how they are implemented with the rule at the top of the list implemented first. Use Move Down and Move Up to change the order the rules are listed.

  1. To remove a rule, select the rule row and click image.png
    The rule is removed.
  2. Click Save.

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