C Series Edge Filers: Inactive Hard Drives
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C Series Edge Filers: Inactive Hard Drives

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Article summary


The problem is:

  • The HDD's of a gateway are showing as inactive in the gateway dashboard.
  • The HDD's of a gateway are not displayed in the gateway dashboard.
  • You cannot log into the gateway user interface.
  • The gateway user interface is unresponsive.


  1. Power down the device.
  2. Remove all drives from the unit by pulling them out far enough so they are disconnected.
        Note: Do not remove the drive completely. If you do remove it completely, make sure that you replace each drive in the same position when inserting them back.
  3. Power up the device with drives disconnected.
  4. Access the gateway user interface as an administrator.
    The gateway user interface should be displayed. If you have a problem accessing the gateway user interface it means that there are drive issues.
  5. If cloud backup is enabled, in the CONFIGURATION tab, navigate to Cloud Backup > Control Panel and click Suspend to suspend cloud backup.
  6. If cloud sync is enabled, in the CONFIGURATION tab, navigate to Cloud Drive > Cloud Drive and and click Suspend to suspend cloud sync.
  7. In the CONFIGURATION tab, navigate to Main > Dashboard.
  8. Insert the first drive into SATA1, the drive furthest to the top right.
  9. Wait for the dashboard to show that the drive is ready.
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 with the remaining drives until all drives show ready in the dashboard.
  11. Let the array rebuild as necessary.
  12. If the issue has not been resolved, in the CONFIGURATION tab, navigate to Storage > Volumes, select each volume one after the other and click Repair for each volume.
  13. Additionally, run S.M.A.R.T. tests on all drives, and especially if you notice instability after one of the drives is inserted:
    1. In the CONFIGURATION tab, navigate to Main > Dashboard.
    2. In the Hard Disk Drives area, click the drive you want to test.
      The Hard Drive Status window is displayed for the selected drive.
    3. Select the Self Test tab.
    4. Click the type of test you want to run on the drive:
          Start Long Test to run a long S.M.A.R.T. scan.
          Start Short Test to run a short S.M.A.R.T. scan.

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