Understanding Conflicts When Sharing Files
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Understanding Conflicts When Sharing Files

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Article summary

The portal keeps track of who has made updates to the files and when, detects file conflicts when updates occur simultaneously, and resolves those conflicts. The changes made in the most recent update are always saved to the original file. Other changes are not lost, but are saved as versions of the original file, with a filename to reflect the date and time of the changes.

Note: In order for conflict resolution to be performed correctly, each local computer clock must be synchronized with the CTERA Portal clock. If there is more than one hour difference between the two clocks after taking into account timezone differences, the agent will not synchronize the Cloud Drive folder.

The name of the conflict file is the same name as the original file with the date the conflict file was created. For example:

File in portal: ExampleFile.txt

Conflict file in portal: ExampleFile - Conflict On 2017_04_09 17_09_58.txt

Note: When a file is edited using Microsoft O365, simultaneously by more than one user, Microsoft O365 handles all conflicts.

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