Understanding the Log Content
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Understanding the Log Content

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Article summary

Log Message Levels

CTERA products generate log messages upon various events. The log messages are divided into the severity levels.

LevelRequired Response
EmergencySystem is unusable.
AlertAction must be taken immediately.
CriticalCritical condition. A situation such as storage nearing full capacity has occurred. Action should be taken as soon as possible.
ErrorError condition. Action must be taken as soon as possible.
WarningWarning messages. An indication that an error may occur if action is not taken.
NoticeNormal but significant condition.
InfoInformational message.
DebugDebug-level messages, useful for debugging and troubleshooting.

Log Message Topics

The log messages are divided in to topics. These topics enable you to understand the source of the message. For example, messages dealing with signing-in are included in the access topic and messages from a CTERA Agent are included in the agent topic.

Log messages are divided by one of the following topics:

  • access
  • accounting
  • agent
  • allTopics
  • antivirus
  • audit
  • backup
  • cloudsync
  • files
  • sync
  • system

Log Message Examples

Example 1

Assume the following CTERA Portal log message is received:
info,Login,Portal,,2023-05-06T01:32:05,,CTTP,Administration,Client logged in to portal,,,topic: access

The first word indicates that this is an info message, and the next two words indicate that it is related to logging into the portal.

The attributes values are:
MessageClient logged in to portal

The message is also timestamped (2023-05-06T01:32:05).

Example 2

Assume the following CTERA Portal log message is received:
error,Login,Portal,,2023-05-06T13:10:00,,,CTTP,Client login to portal failed,,,failedPortal: portal.myportal.com reason: Login failed: Portal portal.myportal.com does not exist failedDevice: IT topic: access

The first word indicates that this is an error message, and the next two words indicate that it is related to logging into the portal.

The attribute values are:
MessageClient login to portal failed
reasonLogin failed: Portal portal.myportal.com does not exist

The message is also timestamped (2023-05-06T13:10:00).

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