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Viewing Recent Activity
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The Activity monitor provides an overview of the CTERA Edge Filer's recent activity, including:
- The disk read rate in KBps (kilobytes per second).
- The disk write rate in KBps (kilobytes per second).
- The percentage of CPU in use.
- The percentage of memory in use.
- A list of active user sessions.
- Details about the top twenty processes running on the CTERA Edge Filer.
**To view edge filer Activity:
- In the Configuration view, select Main > Activity in the navigation pane.
The Activity page is displayed.
Under Active Sessions, the following information is displayed:
Type – The session type:
* SMB (Windows File Sharing)
* Web Browser
User – The user connected to the CTERA Edge Filer.
Source IP – The IP address from which the user connected to the CTERA Edge Filer.
Duration – The amount of time that the user has been connected to the CTERA Edge Filer.
More Info – Additional information about the session, such as the client port when the type is NFS.
The data is refreshed automatically every few seconds.
Click Processes... to access the Top Processes window. Top Processes provides information about the top twenty processes currently running on the CTERA Edge Filer; data about the processes, and statistics about memory and processor performance.
PID – The process identifier.
Name – The process name.
RAM – The percentage of the RAM used by this process.
CPU – The percentage of CPU used by this process.
Threads Count – The number of threads spawned by the process.