Email Notification Templates
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Email Notification Templates
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There are email notification templates for the following:
- Email notification templates for the global administration portal.
These notifications are sent to global administrators. They are customizable. - Default email notification templates for all virtual portals.
These notifications are sent to virtual portal administrators and end users.
The email notifications are in HTML format.
The following email templates are provided by CTERA.
Template Name | Description |
Alert Notification | An alert is sent to portal administrators when a log is generated, if an applicable email alert is configured. To configure email alerts, see Adding and Editing Alerts. |
Antivirus Server Is Offline | A notification to global administrators to inform them that an antivirus server is not responding and therefore, clients may be unable to download files. |
Audit Log Failure | A notification to global administrators to inform them that there is a problem with the audit log for a specific server. |
Backup Completed Successfully | A notification to end users when cloud backup of their workstation or server has completed successfully. |
Backup Completed With Errors Or Warnings | A notification to end users when workstation or server cloud backup has completed with errors or warnings. |
Backup Did Not Complete On Schedule | A notification to end users that their device missed its scheduled backup. |
Catalog Database is Down | A notification to global administrators to inform them that the CTERA Portal catalog database is not responding and clients will not be able to access their files and a list of the affected virtual portals. |
Certificate Does Not Match The DNS Suffix | A notification to portal administrators to inform them that the CTERA Portal's security certificate does not match the configured DNS suffix. |
Certificate Is Not Installed | A notification to portal administrators to inform them that a security certificate is not installed on the CTERA Portal. |
Change Email Notification | A notification to portal administrators that the portal is unlicensed and explaining how to get a license for the portal. |
CloudSync Upload is Currently Back To Normal | A notification to portal administrators that syncing with the specified device is back to normal. |
CloudSync Upload is Currently Stalled | A notification to portal administrators that the syncing with a specified device has stalled. |
Database Tables Were Not Vacuumed | A notification to portal administrators that the portal database was not vacuumed for the last 24 hours. |
Device Activated | A notification to end users when their device has been activated. |
Device Login Information Notification | A notification with device login information. |
Device Never Backed Up | A notification to end users that their device has never backed up. |
Device Not Connected | A notification to end users when their device has not connected to the CTERA Portal for a certain number of days. The number of days is configured locally. See Configuring Notification Settings. |
Device Wipe Completed | A notification to the portal administrator who initiated a device wipe when all data and settings have been deleted from the mobile device. |
Edge Filer Syslog Warning | A notification to global administrators to inform them that one of the edge filer Syslog servers has exceeded the defined Lag threshold. |
Edge Filers Syslog Connector unavailable | A notification to global administrators to inform them that the edge filer Syslog connector is not available. |
Email Verification Code | A notification to guest invitation recipients of a pass code. The recipient must enter the passcode before accessing the file or folder that they are invited to share. |
Email Verification Code For Action | A notification to an administrator in the process of permanently deleting a folders and files. The administrator must enter the passcode before the process can continue. |
Expired Invitation To Register | A notification to an external user informing them that an invitation for the user to register has expired. |
Folder Is Over Quota Limitation | A notification to end users with a folder which has used its full storage allocation. |
Footer | The HTML footer that is displayed at the bottom of all notifications. |
Header | The HTML header that is displayed at the top of all notifications. |
Invitation To Collaborate | A guest invitation to access shared files or folders. |
Invitation To Register | An invitation to an external user to register. |
Invoice Notification | A notification to users with their invoice. |
Key management service unavailable | A notification to global administrators that the specified KMIP Server is not functioning. |
Malware Blocked | A notification to end users to tell them that malware was detected and blocked in a file they recently uploaded. |
Messaging provisioning has failed | A notification to global administrators that the CTERA messaging service provisioning has failed. |
Messaging replication has failed | A notification to global administrators that the CTERA messaging service replication has failed. |
Messaging service has errors | A notification to global administrators with the list of the messaging servers with errors and what each error is. |
Messaging service has failed | A notification to global administrators with the list of the failed messaging servers and the reason each one has failed. |
Messaging status stale | A notification to global administrators with the list of the messaging servers that have stalled and the date each one was last updated. |
New User Notification | A notification to end users when an account has been created for them by an administrator, inviting them to use the portal. The email message contains log on information. Note: By default, the email does not include the user password, for added security, and the user must contact the portal administrator for the password. Inviting users from the USERS page, with the More > Invite option, enables the user to choose a password on initial logon without needing to contact the administrator. |
No Cloud Sync For Extended Time Period | A notification to end users if no cloud sync has occurred between their cloud drive and their workstation or server for a specified time period. |
No License Is Installed | A notification informing users that their portal is unlicensed and asking them to contact CTERA to purchase a license. |
No Storage Nodes Defined | A notification to global administrators to alert them that no storage nodes are defined in their portal, and therefore cloud storage services cannot be provided. |
One Of The Certificates Has Expired | A notification to global administrators to inform them that a certificate of their CTERA Portal expired on a certain date and requesting them to log into the Global Administration View to upload a renewed certificate. |
One Of The Certificates Is About To Expire | A notification to global administrators when a CTERA Portal SSL certificate will expire in 30 days. |
One Or More Addon Has Expired | A notification to portal administrators to inform them that one or more add-ons has expired, listing the details of the expired add-ons. |
One Or More Addon Is About To Expire | A notification to end users when one or more add-on to which they are subscribed will expire in a certain number of days. The number of days is configured locally. |
One Or More Portal Addon Has Expired | A notification to portal administrators to inform them that one or more add-ons has expired, listing the details of the expired add-ons. |
One Or More Portal Addon Is About To Expire | A notification to portal administrators when one or more add-on to which they are subscribed will expire in a certain number of days. The number of days is configured locally. |
Password Recovery Notification | A notification to end users when a request is made to reset their password. |
Platform Services Install Failed | A notification to global administrators that the internal portal infrastructure failed to install. |
Portal Administrator Report | A monthly report sent to portal administrators. |
Portal Has Reached The License Limit | A notification to global administrators, when one of the limits specified in the installed CTERA Portal license installed on the global portal, is reached. |
Portal Is Disabled | A notification to end users to inform them that their portal has been disabled by a global administrator. |
Portal Is Exceeding Its License | A notification to portal administrators when the portal is exceeding any of its license quotas. |
Portal Is Near Quota Limitation | A notification to portal administrators when the amount of cloud storage space used reaches or exceeds 90%. |
Portal Is Over Quota Limitation | A notification to portal administrators when their cloud storage space is full. |
Portal Is Unlicensed | A notification to global administrators when the portal is not licensed. |
Portal License Exceeded | A notification to portal administrators when the portal license has been exceeded. |
Portal License Is About To Expire | A notification to portal administrators when one of the portal's license keys will expire in 7 days. |
Portal Plan Is About To Expire | A notification to the portal administrator when the portal's plan is soon to expire. |
Preview Server Has Failed | A notification to the global administrators warning that a preview server has unexpectedly shut down and users may be unable to preview files. |
Registration Confirmation | A notification to end users after they register with the CTERA Portal, and before their account is activated. |
Replication Has Errors | A notification to global administrators to alert them the a database replication has errors. |
Replication Setup Failed | A notification to global administrators to alert them the a database replication has failed to start. |
Reshare As Public Link | A notification to end users telling them that another user with whom they shared a folder has just created a public link to reshare that folder. |
Reshare By Adding Collaborators | A notification to end users telling them that another user with whom they shared a folder has reshared your folder with other people, listing the new collaborators. |
Sensitive File Blocked | A notification to end users telling them that a file with sensitive material has been blocked. |
Server Is Offline | A notification to global administrators to inform the administrator that a specific CTERA Portal server is not responding to connection requests from clients for more than a certain time period. |
SMS Verification Code | A notification of a pass code to guest invitation recipients sent by SMS. The recipient must enter the passcode before accessing the file or folder that they are invited to share. |
Storage License Exceeded | A notification to global administrators to say that the CTERA Portal is exceeding the licensed storage space. |
Storage Node Full | A notification to global administrators when a storage node is full. |
Storage Node Has Failed | A notification to global administrators when a storage node has failed. |
Storage Node Migration Completed Successfully | A notification to global administrators to say that the migration of a storage node was completed successfully. |
Storage Node Migration Completed With Errors | A notification to global administrators to say that storage node migration completed with errors, detailing the errors. |
Storage Node Migration Stopped Due To Error | A notification to global administrators to say that migration of a storage node stopped due to a specific error. |
Storage Node Nearly Full | A notification to global administrators when a storage node is over 90% full. |
Storage Pool Failed | A notification to global administrators when a storage pool has failed. |
Storage Pool Has Critically Low Space - Working In Degraded Mode | A notification to global administrators when a storage node is over 95% full. |
Storage Pool Is Almost Full | A notification to global administrators when a storage pool is over 90% full. |
Storage Pool Is Full | A notification to global administrators when a storage pool is full. |
Storage Pool Snapshots Are Overdue | A notification to global administrators when storage pool snapshots have not been taken for more than 4 hours. |
Successful User Registration | A notification to a end users informing them that a user they invited has successfully completed the registration process to. |
System Administrator Report | A monthly report sent to global administrators. |
Team Project Request | A notification to portal administrators that an end user has requested a team project be created. |
Team Project Request Approved | A notification to portal administrators that a team project request has been approved. |
Team Project Request Rejected | A notification to portal administrators that a team project request has been rejected. |
Test Email | A test notification sent to global administrators. |
The Installed SAML Certificate Is About To Expire | A notification to portal administrators that a SAML certificate is invalid or expired, and that users will not be able to connect to the CTERA Portal using SAML authentication. |
The Installed SAML Certificate Is Invalid Or Expired | A notification to portal administrators that the CTERA Portal’s SAML certificate is invalid or expired. |
There are blocks that can not be deleted from storage | A notification to global administrators that some blocks cannot be deleted. |
Thumbnail Service Has Errors / The production of thumbnails, using the thumbnail service, has errors. | |
Thumbnail Service Has Failed / The thumbnail service is not working. | |
Thumbnail Service Storage Has Failed / TThe storage used for thumbnails has failed. | |
Trial Is About To Expire | A notification to end users when their trial subscription will expire in a certain number of days. The number of days is configured locally. See Configuring Email Notifications. |
Trial License Has Ended | A notification to portal administrators that the portal's trial license has expired and they need to purchase a license. |
Trial License Is In Effect | A notification that the portal is using a trial license that is limited. |
Unstable Connection | A notification to a user when a device belonging to the user has repeatedly lost its connection to the portal, warning of unstable connectivity between the device and the portal. |
User Account Activated | A notification to end users that the user's account is now active. |
User Is Near Quota Limitation | A notification to end users when the amount of cloud storage space used reaches or exceeds a certain percentage. The percentage is configured locally. |
User Is Over Agents Limitation | A notification to end users when they have exceeded the licensed number of CTERA Agents. |
User Is Over Quota Limitation | A notification to end users when their cloud storage space is full. |
User Report | A monthly report sent to end users, which includes the following information: * Account information * Storage statistics * Usage report * Details of all the user's devices * Information on the status of the user's cloud backups |
Varonis Rabbit MQ Error | The connection to Varonis failed. |
Vouchers Issued | With reseller portals, a notification to end users when a voucher has been issued to them. |
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