Before You Begin
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Before You Begin

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Article summary



You cannot install a CTERA Agent on a PC running Kaspersky Antivirus software.

Supported Operating Systems and Browsers

Windows 10 and higher running on x86-64 processors and Windows Server 2016 and higher.


Caching is not supported on Windows servers.

For browsers, the latest two releases of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge are supported.

Opening Ports on Your Firewall

The CTERA Agent establishes a connection to the CTERA Portal using TCP port 995. You do not need to open any incoming ports.

Downloading CTERA Agent

You can download CTERA Agent from the CTERA Portal or by contacting CTERA Support.

  • From CTERA Portal, click Download Agent located at the bottom left of the CTERA Portal web interface, in the sign-in page or after signing-in as an end user.

The CTERA Agent installation file is downloaded to your computer.

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