Change the Maximum Number of Days Backups are Retained
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Change the Maximum Number of Days Backups are Retained

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Article summary

When initially configuring PostreSQL continuous archiving, the maximum number of days to keep the backups was set using configure-db-recovery <backup-history-days>, where backup-history-days is the number of days you want to retain a base backup archive before a new one is created. You can change this setting at a later date.

Step-by-step guide

To change the maximum number of days to keep the backups:

  1. Log in to the CTERA Portal as root, using SSH.
  2. Run the following command: set_archive_history_days <history-days>, where history-days is the PostgreSQL archive history days.

CTERA recommends that the minimum retention period is not less than 7 days. If you set the retention period to less than 7 days, you must also have a secondary backup method in order to protect the portal from disasters.

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