Change the Device Connectivity Port from TCP 995
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Change the Device Connectivity Port from TCP 995

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Article summary

By default, a CTERA Edge Filer and CTERA Drive Protect (Agent) attempt to establish a connection and perform cloud backup and synchronization with CTERA Portal over port TCP 995. These devices can be configured to connect to the CTERA Portal over a different port by changing this default port in the portal configuration.

Step-by-step guide

To change the default port used by devices to connect to the portal:

  1. Log in to the CTERA Portal as root, using SSH.

  2. Run the following command: set-list /settings/portSettings/ newPort

  3. Run the following command: set /settings/defaultPort newPort where newPort is the TCP port to use for connectivity.
    Note: If you change the port to TCP 443 for secure access over HTTPS, you must also change the administration portal’s HTTPS access port so that both HTTPS and CTTP traffic do not go over the same port. 

To change the administration portal HTTPS access port when the device connectivity port is set to 443

  1. In the global administration view, select Settings in the navigation pane.

  2. Select Global Settings, under SETTINGS in the Control Panel content page.
    The Global Settings window is displayed.

  3. In the Administration Console area, specify the new HTTPS port number in the HTTPS Port field.
    Use a port in the range 1024 to 65535.

  4. Click SAVE

  5. Restart the CTERA Portal servers.

    1. In the global administration view, select Main > Servers in the navigation pane.
      The SERVERS page is displayed.

    2. Click Restart for each server. Restart the servers in the following order:
          * Main database server.
          * Replication database server, if available.
          * All application or preview servers.
      The change is implemented after the restart.

  6. Configure the firewalls on the CTERA Portal servers to enable TCP traffic between the servers on the changed HTTPS port.
    This is necessary because the customized HTTPS port is used for CTERA server-to-server communications. 

To connect to the administration portal after changing the administration access port, append the port number to the FQDN of your portal. For example, to connect to Example’s administration portal using HTTPS port 2222, use the following address:

Related articles

Connect an Edge Filer to a Portal over TCP 443

Connect a CTERA Drive Protect (Agent) to a CTERA Portal over TCP 443

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