Viewing Logs
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Viewing Logs

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Article summary

To view a log file in the user interface:

  1. Select Logs & Alerts in the navigation pane.
    The SYSTEM LOG page opens, displaying the system log connected to the portal.
  2. Select the log to view from the Origin list: Portals, Devices, or All.

The following logs are available:

System Log

The information in the system log can be filtered by:

  • The log origin: Portals, Devices or All (both portals and devices).
  • The minimum severity: Debug, Info, Warning, or Error.

The SYSTEM LOG page includes the following columns:

DATEThe date and time at which the event occurred.
ORIGINThe entity that sent the log entry.
To view details about the entity, click the entity name.
USERThe user who triggered the event.
To view details about the user, click the user name.
DETAILSA description of the event.
MORE INFOA possible cause for the entry.

Local Backup Log

The information in the local backup log can be filtered by:

  • The minimum severity: Debug, Info, Warning, or Error.

The LOCAL BACKUP LOG page includes the following columns:

LOCAL DEVICEThe device name.
To view details about the device, click the device name. The device details are displayed in a new browser window.
RESULTThe local backup result and details of the backup, including the start time for the backup, its duration, the number of files backed up and the GB modified by the backup.
ACTIONClick Details to display more details about the backup.

Cloud Backup Log

The information in the cloud backup log can be filtered by:

  • The minimum severity: Debug, Info, Warning, or Error.

The CLOUD BACKUP LOG page includes the following columns:

DEVICEThe device name.
To view details about the device, click the device name. The device details are displayed in a new browser window.
OWNERThe user who triggered the backup.
To view details about the user, click the user name.
RESULTThe result of the backup.
ACTIONSThe actions performed. Clicking on Details displays the list of files backed up, including the file path and name.

Cloud Sync Log

The information in the cloud sync log can be filtered by:

  • The minimum severity: Debug, Info, Warning, or Error.

The CLOUD SYNC LOG page includes the following columns:

DEVICEThe device name.
To view details about the device, click the device name. The device details are displayed in a new browser window.
DATEThe date and time at which the event occurred.
RESULTThe result of the cloud sync.
MORE INFOAdditional information in cases where the sync was not successful.

Access Log

The information in the access log can be filtered by:

  • The log origin: Portals, Devices or All (both portals and devices).
  • The minimum severity: Debug, Info, Warning, or Error.

The ACCESS LOG page includes the following columns:

DATEThe date and time at which the event occurred.
ACTIONThe action performed.
ORIGINThe entity that sent the log entry.
To view details about the entity, click the entity name.
USERThe user who triggered the event. If the user is an external user, without a portal account, added as a collaborator with an email address, the email address of the user is displayed.
To view details about the user, if the user is not an external user, click the user name.
CLIENT IPThe IP address from which the user triggered the event.
TARGETThe entity on which the action was performed.
DETAILSA description of the event. For example, the user logged out and a file was shared for collaboration.

Audit Log

The information in the audit log can be filtered by:

  • The log origin: Portals, Devices or All (both portals and devices).
  • The minimum severity: Debug, Info, Warning, or Error.

The AUDIT LOG page includes the following columns:

DATEThe date and time at which the event occurred.
ACTIONThe action performed: Added, Modified or Deleted.
ORIGINThe entity that sent the log entry.
To view details about the entity, click the entity name.
USERThe user who triggered the event.
To view details about the user, click the user name.
TARGETThe entity that was affected by the action. For example, a folder group or subscription plan, or user.
To view details about the entity, click the entity name.
MORE INFOAdditional information about the event.

Agents Log

The information in the agents log can be filtered by:

  • The minimum severity: Debug, Info, Warning, or Error.

The AGENTS LOG page includes the following columns:

ACTIONThe action performed.
DEVICEThe device name.
To view details about the device, click the device name. The device details are displayed in a new browser window.
SOURCEThe user.
To view details about the user, click the user name.
MORE INFOAdditional information about the event. For example, an agent version was changed.

Antivirus Log


The Antivirus log is only available if the portal is licensed for antivirus and the subscription plan includes the antivirus option.

The information in the antivirus log can be filtered by:

  • The minimum severity: Debug, Info, Warning, or Error.

The ANTIVIRUS LOG page includes the following columns:

ACTIONThe action performed.
FILE NAMEThe name of the file moved to quarantine as a potential threat.
UPLOADERThe user who uploaded the file to the portal.
To view details about the user, click the user name.
THREATThe threat description.

Permanent Deletion Log

The information in the permanent deletion log can be filtered by:

  • The minimum severity: Debug, Info, Warning, or Error.

The PERMANENT DELETION LOG page includes the following columns:

DATEThe date and time at which the event occurred.
USERThe user who triggered the deletion.
To view details about the user, click the user name.
RESULTThe result of the deletion, whether successful or not.
REASONThe reason for the deletion that was entered in the Permanent Deletion Wizard in the Verification step.
ACTIONSThe actions performed. Clicking on Details displays the list of files deleted, with the file path and name and snapshot, last modified and more information about the deleted file.

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