Copying, Moving, and Other Actions You can Perform On Folders and Files
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Copying, Moving, and Other Actions You can Perform On Folders and Files

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Article summary

To perform actions on a single file, either right-click on the file or folder to access the available actions or select the file or folder and click on the icon in the top menu.

This list of icons changes dependent on what actions you can perform:
image.png – Download. If you selected multiple items, they are downloaded in a ZIP file. If nothing is selected, the current folder will be downloaded as a ZIP file. When accessing CTERA Portal through a Chrome browser, users can drag and drop files from the CTERA Portal directly to a local user folder such as Desktop. You can drag and drop only one file at a time.
image.png – Recover previous versions of a file. See Managing a Previous Version of a File.
image.png – Copy or move the selected items to another folder in the cloud drive. A move involves copying the selected files to the destination folder and then deleting the files from the source folder. The dialog to find the destination folder when copying or moving a folder or file enables you to drill-down to the destination.
As you drill-down through the destination options breadcrumb links are displayed that you can use to go back to any folder in the breadcrumb path. Also, the search window searches the whole portal.

Click the option button next to the destination folder for the copy or move and then click either Copy or Move. Do not drill-down to the folder itself. You cannot copy a folder to a cloud folder with the same name, to overwrite the destination folder.


If you cancel a move operation after some of files have been copied but before the files are deleted from the source folder, these files exist in both the destination and source folders.

image.png – Delete the selected files.
image.png – Rename the selected file.
image.png – Manage the collaborators list. See Collaborating on Files.
image.png – Create or manage public links. See Making Content Public.
image.png – Undelete selected folders and files. This item is displayed only if deleted folders or files are displayed. See Recovering Deleted Folders and Files.
image.png – Copy the permalink for the folder or file.
image.png – Open and if possible, edit, the file in the appropriate tool for the file type. For example, Office Online editor for Microsoft files or Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF files. When Microsoft O365 is available, see Editing and Creating Files.
image.png – Display folder or file details.

Single File DetailsSingle Folder DetailsMultiple Item Details

Right-clicking a file or clicking image.png to the right of the file shows the same options with the following differences:

  • Open With or View With – Replaces the image.png icon to open for editing or viewing a file.
  • image.png – If a preview server has been set up, enables previewing the file. See Viewing Files.

When you select multiple files, the list of actions that you can perform is limited to actions that can be performed on more than one file, such as delete or download.

To select all files and folders in the list, or to clear all the selected items, check or uncheck, the check box to the left of the New button.


You can restrict the selection to just files or just folders using the down arrow next to the check box.

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