Generating a Devices Statistics Report
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Generating a Devices Statistics Report
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Administrators can generate a statistics report about all the devices registered to the portal.
To generate a statistics report:
- Select Main > Devices in the navigation pane.
The DEVICES page opens, displaying all the devices connected to the portals.
- Click Statistics.
The Device Statistics Report window is displayed.NoteThe first time the Device Statistics Report window is displayed, it is empty.
After generating a report, the window displays the last report generated. - Click Run.
The report is generated, showing for each virtual portal, the list of devices types with the total number of registered devices of each type and then the number of these devices currently connected or not connected to the portal. After each virtual portal the report includes the total numbers or all the device types for that virtual portal.
You can export the list of devices and their details to a comma separated values (*.csv) Microsoft Excel file on your computer.
To export the Device Statistics Report to Microsoft Excel:
- In the global administration view, select Main > Devices in the navigation pane.
The DEVICES page opens, displaying all the devices connected to the portals. - Click Statistics.
The Device Statistics Report window is displayed. - Click Export to Excel.
The report is exported to your computer. The report includes the name of the team portal for each device type.
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