Managing Cloud Drive Folders and Folder Groups for a User Account
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Managing Cloud Drive Folders and Folder Groups for a User Account

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Article summary

Managing Cloud Drive Folders

To manage cloud folders:

  1. Select Users > Users in the navigation pane.
    The Users page is displayed.
  2. Click the user's name.
    The user window is displayed with the user name as the window title.
  3. Select the Cloud Drive Folders option.
    The Cloud Drive Folders option displays all cloud drive folders owned by the user.
  4. Click Export to Excel to export the folder details of all the cloud drive folders to a comma separated values (*.csv) Microsoft Excel file on your computer.
  5. Select a row and click View Files to open the end user portal view with the files from the folder displayed.
  6. Select a row and click Delete to delete the folder from the cloud drive after confirming this is what is wanted.
  7. Click a folder to configure its settings and review its status: The number of files and the storage used by these files.
    • You can add a description for the folder as well as changing the folder and owners names. You can also set the folder to inherit the Windows ACLs from the local PC settings.

Managing Folder Groups

To manage folder groups:

  1. Select Users > Users in the navigation pane.
    The Users page is displayed.
  2. Click the user's name.
    The user window is displayed with the user name as the window title.
  3. Select the Folder Groups option.
    The Folder Groups option displays all folder groups associated with the user.

You can perform any of the folder group management tasks described in Managing Portal Folders and Folder Groups.

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