Manage Static Routes
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Manage Static Routes

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Article summary

CLI commands are available to manage static routes for traffic going out from the filer. These static routes can also be used for wireless access to edge filers.

The CLI commands interface with the Network Manager to manage the static routes. Each time a static route is added or deleted, all configured routes in the Network Manager are replaced with a new set of routes, which are saved in the database.


Adding or deleting static routes restarts the network connections, which briefly disrupts network connectivity.

See Execute CLI Commands from the Administrator User Interface for details about running CLI commands in an edge filer.

Adding Static Routes

To add single static route, for example, use the following CLI: rs add /config/network/static_routes 'DestIpMask' 'GwIP'
DestIpMask is the destination IP and destination mask, separated by underscore.
GwIP is the network gateway IP.

To add multiple static routes with same destination IP, but different masks, for example:,, use the following CLI where each static route is separated by a comma (,): rs add /config/network/static_routes 'DestIpMask' 'GwIP', 'DestIpMask' 'GwIP'

Removing a Static Route

To remove a static route, for example,, use the following CLI: rs del /config/network/static_routes/

Displaying the Defined Static Routes

To display the static routes defined for the edge filer, use the following CLI: rs show /config/network/static_routes

Cleaning the Defined Static Routes

If the static routes configuration causes connectivity problems, you can remove the defined static routes using the following CLI, while logged in as the user setup: rs exec /config/network cleanStaticRoutes

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